Mine Payload Scanner2024-04-19T09:26:17+12:00

What is load volume scanning?

Loadscan is at the forefront of mining tech! The Mine Payload Scanner (MPS) system utilizes eye-safe Lidar laser scanning technology combined with proprietary Loadscan software to measure the exact volume of material loaded into a truck bin. With the MPS system you’ll measure actual volume, not a converted weight estimate.

By accurately calculating net volumes delivered for processing you can eliminate arguments over tons delivered by the haulage contractor or haulage department to the mill. It also enables you to optimize loading for maximum asset utilization.

A 3D scan image of every load is generated, providing an audit trail and visual record of loading. Customers have found this extremely helpful when training and coaching their operators.

How the MPS system works

Empty truck is scanned to create reference scan in the database

Trucks are scanned by driving below an elevated scan head, which can be mounted on a pole, gantry, or underground mine portal. The scanning process is fully automated.

Trucks can be tracked manually or fitted with RFID tags for automatic identification

Proprietary MyScanner™ software reports volumetric measurement, including 3D load profiles of every load

How the MPS system works

Empty truck is scanned to create reference scan in the database

Trucks can be tracked manually or fitted with RFID tags for automatic identification

mining tech

Trucks are scanned by driving below an elevated scan head, which can be mounted on a pole, gantry, or underground mine portal. The scanning process is fully automated.

mining tech

Proprietary MyScanner™ software reports volumetric measurement, including 3D load profiles of every load

Loadscan is the only load volume scanning company worldwide to have achieved trade certification approval for truck volume measurement. Our LVS-3 system is certified for trade in New Zealand under Trade Approval Certificate 1556 (MAPPS NZ), pattern approval Certificate 13/1/15 (NMI AUS) and the National Type Evaluation Program Certificate of Conformance 24-001P for weighing and measuring devices (NTEP USA). The MPS shares a common scan engine and measurement algorithms with the LVS and delivers the same level of accuracy. The MPS is sold as ‘Monitor Only’ and ‘Not Legal for Trade Use’, however it will still perform to the same high level of accuracy as required by the Trade certificates in New Zealand and Australia.

Volume scanning delivers extensive mine automation benefits

  • Easily identify and correct underloading to increase profitability
  • Improve loader operator performance and optimise trucking factors
  • Measure actual volume, not a converted weight estimate
  • Measure and account for carryback
  • Remove discrepancies between quantities hauled and mill processing data
  • Account for every load delivered or removed from site
  • Gain a better understanding of bulking and compaction factors
  • Improve ore body knowledge with volumetric as well as mass data
  • Automatically track truck arrival and departure times
  • Eliminate hand-written load dockets and manual docket processing
  • Seamless data interface with most mine management systems
  • Our LVS and MPS scanners operate to an accuracy of +/- 1%

  • No significant maintenance costs or recalibration required

We have a volume scanning solution for your mining application

Surface Mining

Underground Mining

Mine processing

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