Bark, Mulch & Compost2024-05-26T15:41:33+12:00

Where every cubic
meter counts

Where every cubic
meter counts

LEARN MORE >>Only pay for the material you receiveIt’s not just about tonnes; it’s about transformation.
FIND OUT MORE >>Loadscan scanners measure success in cubic yards or meters.Inaccurate bulking and compaction factors can reduce profits
LEARN MORE >>Don’t let oversupply cost you a fortuneJoin the movement toward smarter materials handling.

It’s not just about tonnes; it’s about transformation.

Only pay for the material you receive

Loadscan’s scanners measure success in cubic yards/metres

Inaccurate bulking and compaction factors can reduce profits

Join the movement toward smarter materials handling

Don’t let oversupply cost you a fortune

Join the ranks of forward-thinking companies — choose Loadscan for precision, reliability, and efficiency in load measurement

“Buyers and sellers alike struggled to find a consistent method for loading trucks that was fair to everyone. Loadscan has solved all that.”

Dave Boyce, Midwest Trading Horticultural Supplies Inc, USA

Put an end to inefficiencies, waste, and guesswork.

Trucks are scanned by driving below an elevated scan head, which can be mounted on a portable or fixed pole or can be fitted to a trailer. The scanning process is fully automated
Proprietary MyScanner software reports volumetric measurement, including 3D load profiles of every load

Get accurate product densities

Optimise truck loading

Eliminate disputes over volumes

Proven accurate to +/- 1%

Only pay for what you receive

Don’t pay for water content

Improve customer satisfaction

Put an end to inefficiencies, waste, and guesswork.

Trucks are scanned by driving below an elevated scan head, which can be mounted on a portable or fixed pole or can be fitted to a trailer. The scanning process is fully automated

Proprietary MyScanner software reports volumetric measurement, including 3D load profiles of every load

Get accurate product densities

Optimise truck loading

Accurate volumes sold every time

Don’t pay for water content

Eliminate disputes over volumes

Proven accurate to +/- 1%

Only pay for what you receive

See how other organic producers are using Loadscan Load Volume Scanners…

Loadscan’s products are exported globally to bark, mulch and compost suppliers across the globe. Click on the case studies to see how these Loadscan customers are benefiting from volumetric scanning…

Customers are happy knowing exactly what they’re receiving
Scanning granulated bark, pumice, peat, compost, potting mix, metal and top soil
Using Loadscan to ensure precious product isn’t given away
Keeping track of hundreds of thousands of cubic yards across multiple facilities
Triple-S Compost secures customers thanks to reliable volume measurements
Using Loadscan to save time and money

See how other organic producers are using Loadscan Load Volume Scanners…

Loadscan’s products are exported globally to bark, mulch and compost suppliers across the globe. Click on the case studies to see how these Loadscan customers are benefiting from volumetric scanning…

Customers are happy knowing exactly what they’re receiving
Scanning granulated bark, pumice, peat, compost, potting mix, metal and top soil
Using Loadscan to ensure precious product isn’t given away
Triple-S Compost secures customers thanks to reliable volume measurements
Keeping track of hundreds of thousands of cubic yards across multiple facilities
Using Loadscan to save time and money

We are very happy that both the scanners we purchased have worked without a glitch since day one…we have been 100 percent satisfied.

– Bill McKague, President, Gro-Bark, Canada

The Loadscan volume scanner has totally revolutionised our business. Our scanner paid for itself in no time.

– Kerry Gamman, Gammans Ltd, NZ

Would you like the same benefits that other organic producers have experienced?

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