LVS installed at Central Soils

Keeping it in the mighty Waikato

Central Soils has kept things local by purchasing a Load Volume Scanner (LVS) from Loadscan in May this year. Both based in Hamilton, Central Soils purchased an LVS-3BMP to accurately bill customers for the quantity of product supplied.

Central Soils screen excess topsoil stockpiles left over from subdivision developments into a fine fluffy mix that is then sold to landscape yards and bulk compost facilities in the Waikato and Auckland area.

Paul Zeeders, who installed the scanner, commented “It was great to be able to work so closely with another local business, it’s not often it happens. We normally head on a plane to another country so having no jetlag was a bonus!”

The LVS-3BMP is portable and perfect for large or long-term truck measurement projects where there may be the need to move the scanning location.

Royalty payments are made to the owners of the topsoil based on per 1m3. With the scanner, they can produce reports to the owners and make payments based on a trade certified volumetric measurement.

It’s also used to bill customers for the quantity of product supplied and this helps resolve disputes with customers that believe they may have been short supplied. Now Central Soils can guarantee the loaded amount.

The Loadscan LVS removes any variables and delivers trade approved volume measurements in a single automated, non-contact drive though scan.

If you want a comprehensive volumetric payload measurement system for your bulk facility, get in contact with the team at Loadscan today.

2017-07-10T15:05:23+12:00July 5th, 2017|
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