New Features Coming Soon for MyScanner Users At Loadscan, we’re always striving to [...]
How can I fairly account for compaction / settlement in transit / moisture retention?
When buying or selling landscape-type products it can be hard to determine the fairest measuring stick. Some use volume off the bucket. Other’s weigh [...]
How do I know I’m receiving the amount of bulk material / raw product I paid for?
One of the most contentious issues when buying bulk materials is you can’t be 100% sure you’re getting the amount you paid for. Increasingly [...]
How to measure amount of mulch/bark/woodchip/compost/landscape supply on my truck
The most accurate method of determining the volume of organic material on a truck is to use a 3D volume scanner. Volumetric scanning is [...]
Is load volume scanning affected if there’s steam rising from the load (e.g. compost or bark chips)?
If the quantity of steam is enough to significantly disturb visibility of the load surface then a “visual pollution” error will be reported and [...]